About us
Located in the heart of the Europe of Science and Technology, Télécom Physique Strasbourg (TPS) is:
- an internal institution of the University of Strasbourg (Unistra).
- affiliated to the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) – a group of French engineering and management graduate schools
- a unit of the Institut Carnot "Télécom et société numérique" – an R&D public institution specialized in digital innovation.
TPS is strongly involved in the IMT Grand Est, a unique and ambitious cooperation network signed between the IMT and 6 engineering schools in the French East region (Mines Nancy, Télécom Nancy, Géologie Nancy, GIP InSIC, Télécom Physique Strasbourg, and the École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre). The network aims at developing collaborations between these institutions, at enhancing potential for innovation purposes and at serving the local territory. At the end of 2020, the University of Technology of Troyes has joined this partnership.
TPS is a member of the:
- Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (a national society including mainly graduate schools but also private companies as well as organizations in the fields of engineering, management, politics, etc.)
- Concours Communs Institut National Polytechnique group (managing competitive national exams for graduate schools)
- Concours Mines-Télécom group (managing competitive national exams for graduate schools)
- réseau Alsace Tech which gathers engineering, architecture and management schools in Alsace
- réseau Ampère with which it is involved in international actions (incoming and outgoing mobility).
4 departments
Authorized to award 4 Engineering degrees by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI), the vocation of the School is to train creative and innovative Research and Development (R&D) Engineers in the most strategic industries, namely the new digital economy, engineering for healthcare and data economics.
Admission to our training courses is based on a highly competitive national examination (CCINP and Concours Mines-Télécom) and on application. The courses at TPS are organized into 4 departments.
The Dean’s message
The main fields of expertise of our Engineers relate to Physics and Optics, Electronics and Nanosciences, Control Theory and Robotics, Data Processing, Signal and Image Processing, Computer Science and Networks (Digital Infrastructures and Internet of Things), Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, as well as Engineering for Healthcare.
The students trained at Télécom Physique Strasbourg are thus able to meet the challenges linked to Information society and digital transformations, accessing one of the largest employment pools for today's executives. The globalized environment in which they progress provides strong growth prospects driven by exponential development of the digital economy.

The school is supported by two internationally visible research institutes of the University of Strasbourg, namely ICube and the IPCMS, which allows for outstanding options and studies including the possibility of a dual degree (Engineering + Master’s) for students who wish to include a research pathway to their curriculum.
The educational project of TPS is versatile: providing high scientific- and technical- level Engineers with multiple skills such as the ability to manage a team and to become the driving forces behind the development of their company. It is also a question of combining the two fundamental qualities of today's Engineer: the ability to meet immediate needs of companies and the essential adaptability to ongoing technological change. The TPS project finally integrates the concepts of sustainable development, socio-ecological transition and soft-skills to be able to interact in a world with profound changes.