Our history

The 4 last Deans


Professor Fabien Prégaldiny has been appointed Dean of Télécom Physique Strasbourg, on December 22, 2022. He had been the school's Director of Studies for 12 years.


The school’s training is evolving to take into account the skills required for TPS engineer in a rapidly changing world: sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, history of science and epistemology…


The sponsorship of 6 companies allows the start-up in 2020 and for 5 years of the 1st industrial chair in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence led by TPS and ICube.


TPS is one founding member of the Institut Mines Télécom Grand Est, including the Ecole des Mines de Nancy and Université de Technologies de Troyes (UTT).


Nominated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research on September 5th 2015, Professor Christophe Collet became the 5th Dean of Télécom Physique Strasbourg.


Creation of the 5th Engineering degree accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (Commission for Engineering degrees): Networks and Telecommunications – Digital Infrastructures and Internet of Things.


The Engineering school was renamed Télécom Physique Strasbourg by Ministerial decree, thus acknowledging its recent developments and establishing its status as affiliated school of the Institut Télécom.


Two new Engineering degrees specialized in Information Technology for Healthcare were created, one under the student status and the other in apprenticeship, in partnership with the ITII (Institute for Engineering and Industrial Techniques). The 4 ENSPS Engineering degrees obtained accreditation by the French Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (Commission for Engineering degrees) as well as a 6-year authorization by the Ministry. Awarded with the EUR-ACE label, a second application procedure through the competitive exam Concours Mines Télécom was implemented.


The School was affiliated to the Institut TELECOM in a solid partnership.


Mr. Eric Fogarassy, Research Director of the National Center for Scientific Research, was nominated Dean of ENSPS in 2005. His second mandate in 2010 made him the first Dean of Télécom Physique Strasbourg.


Professor Jean-Louis Balladore became the Dean of the School for five years, after which his mandate was renewed until 2005. The reputation of the School was established at the national level through the improvement of its application ranking at the French competitive national exam CCP.


The ENSPS joined the new premises of the API (Application and Promotion of Innovation) building in Illkirch, thus managing around 100 students per year group, as well as around 30 students in Engineering partnership programs.


The foundation stone ceremony was held at the Innovation Park of Illkirch which is one of the technology hubs of Strasbourg. Professor François Becker (Dean from 1989 to 1995) assisted the transfer from the historical campus of Strasbourg to this modern environment directly linked to cutting-edge research. As a result of this strategic location, industrial partnerships were developed and work-study programs were implemented.

1986 - 1987

The growing lack of space at the University of Strasbourg lead to the development of an extensive project for new buildings. It was implemented with regional, departmental, sub-urban and urban funding. The capacity of the year groups went up to 50 students.


Through the initiative of the School’s first Dean, Professor Gilbert Sutter (1971-1989), the first graduation certificate obtained recognition from the French Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (Commission for Engineering degrees). The School was renamed Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg (ENSPS – National Physics Graduate School of Strasbourg).


By the initiative and support of the Physics Department of the Université Louis Pasteur, the Ecole d’Ingénieurs Physiciens de Strasbourg (EIPS – Strasbourg Engineering school for Physicists) was founded, with a vocation to combine Physics and Applied Sciences. Relying on Engineering training courses and the implementation of research institutes, the first graduation took place in 1972 with 6 students.