Sustainable Development
Digital sobriety and ecological transition
Télécom Physique Strasbourg (TPS) is strongly involved on sustainable development and the ecological transition.
To be responsive, cross-disciplinary skills are required for all engineers graduated from TPS.
A global brainstorming was launched in 2020, associating students and professors, in order to identify the main technological and scientific skills to be acquired during engineers cursus in order to understand the challenges of the three transitions : digital, climate, energy.
The training of engineers includes various theoretical and practical sequences so that they are able to take into account sustainable development aspects and controlled digital sobriety, to understand scientific controversies and to forge their judgment as responsible engineers and citizens.
The Shift Project is a think tank that works for an economy free of carbon constraints. The Shift Project is an association guided by the requirement of scientific rigor, and its mission is to enlighten and influence the debate on the energy transition in Europe.